Classic Boxing Coach offers individualized boxing workouts and boxing training programs for beginners, competing amateur boxers, professionals, and boxing enthusiasts looking to use boxing as a means to get in shape and improve fitness levels. For more information on Classic Boxing Coach’s boxing programs, boxing fitness or boxing training in Orange County, visit the
programs page or contact us by phone at (949) 354-BOXR (2697) or by
How to Harness Willpower and Create Good Habits FINALLY! A guide on how to develop good habits and develop willpower – specifically for boxers! To provide the best possible training for our athletes, we do our best to continue our own education, improve our techniques and share what we learn. The following article was inspired…
A Riddle to Improve Your (Boxing) Training I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half of the things you do you might as well turn over to me and I will…
Boxing Wraps for Beginners [VIDEO] One of many ways to wrap. Listen to your hands – and adjust accordingly! #Boxing #SafetyFirst #FitTip If you like this, check out our other articles on improving your boxing skills: A Riddle to Improve Your Training Boxing 101: The Perfect Mental State Boxing 101: Stance & Footwork
Are you satisfied with your performance? Want to learn some new techniques? Complacecy kills and boredom means your workouts has died. Let #ClassicBoxingCoach revitalize your practice and pump up your day-to-day! #Focus #TakeAction and #GetResults Visit our website or call 949-354-2697 to get started!